PR Case Study

We see you everywhere

As a new company, Incenter was helping mortgage bankers realize major improvements, but the industry at large didn’t recognize its name. A strategic public relations campaign made Incenter and its member firms ubiquitous with their industry.

When Incenter Marketing was born, our parent company Incenter’s name was buried in the sand.

Incenter had gradually grown to a family of 11 firms—all collaborating to help mortgage lenders and clients in adjacent industries optimize operations. Though many of the nation’s largest banks credited Incenter with improvements to their top and bottom line, others knew little to nothing about the organization and its individual member companies. This was true even though its leadership team included some industry “legends.”

In response, Incenter Marketing launched a marketing communications campaign to amplify the firms’ collective visibility and thought leadership.

Our PR team played a critical role in the Incenter campaign—implementing a strategic program that has generated important leads and made Incenter ubiquitous in its industry. The media relations, speaking and awards program has delivered:

    No wonder mortgage executives now tell Incenter’s teams, “We see you everywhere.”